Serving Phoenix and Arizona since 1906

Add/Edit Your Listing

If you’re a Sigma Chi Alum living in the greater Phoenix Metro area we want to help support you with this free Business Directory Listing!

Note: We do not provide a way for submitters to manage their own content. After some consideration, we decided the logistics of managing user names and passwords far exceeds the effort required to simply edit or delete the original submission and create a new one.

We will try to “approve” new listings the same day that you submit them.  This is free afterall.

To edit/change your listing, please you the “Edit” form found below the “Join” form.  We will make the requested edits within a reasonable time frame.

If you do not see a Category for your company/service please return after submitting your listing (selecting the “General” category) and fill out the Edit form below to request that a specific category be added.  We will email you back when the Category has been created and your listing updated.


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